MTV EXIT Foundation was created to raise awareness and combat human trafficking around the world. The creative brief called for a powerful way to get the message out. So, we harnessed the audience reach of some of the world’s most popular bands and created official music videos with an important message about human trafficking. This was the first video in a series. We collaborated with Radiohead to raise awareness of child slave labour and brought attention to the origin of every day items. The video was viewed 2 million times on Radiohead’s YouTube channel.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via MTV EXIT/CRC

MTV EXIT Foundation was created to raise awareness and combat human trafficking around the world. The creative brief called for a powerful way to get the message out. So, we harnessed the audience reach of some of the world’s most popular bands and created official music videos with an important message about human trafficking. This was the second video in a series. We collaborated with The Killers and raised awareness of sex trafficking, highlighting what happens to victims behind the scenes and how it impacts their lives in devastating ways.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via MTV EXIT/CRC

The launch of the Hyundai A-League in 2005 was a huge opportunity to reinvent the game of football in Australia and attract a whole new generation to it. Prior to the A-League, football (or soccer to most Australians) struggled to gain a mainstream following for many different reasons. Our response was to launch it as an entirely new game. The idea became ‘It’s football, but not as you know it’. It was brought to life in a fresh, young and aspirational way for the audience. The film featured terminology true to football. And we expressed it through a unique street art medium.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via FFA/Lowe Hunt

The campaign for the third season of the Hyundai A-League was led by a 60-second film, introducing the idea of ‘90 Minutes. 90 Emotions.’ This concept of many different emotions in one game of football was executed within the world of a fantastical stadium. We featured a highly charged, action packed A-League game in progress; all to the soundtrack of ‘Reign’ by UNKLE. The emotions of the fans played out in surprising, visually driven ways. And the integrated campaign ran across cinema, television, digital, print, social, radio and experiential.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via FFA/Lowe Hunt

MTV EXIT Foundation was created to raise awareness and combat human trafficking around the world. The creative brief called for a powerful way to get the message out. So, we harnessed the audience reach of some of the world’s most popular bands and created official music videos with an important message about human trafficking. This was the third video in a series. We collaborated with MUSE and took on the challenge of highlighting three issues in one video. These included child slave labour in the textile industry, trafficking for sexual exploitation and domestic worker abuse.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via MTV EXIT/CRC

MTV EXIT Foundation was created to raise awareness and combat human trafficking around the world. The creative brief called for a powerful way to get the message out. So, we harnessed the audience reach of some of the world’s most popular bands and created official music videos with an important message about human trafficking. This was the fourth video in a series. We partnered with Simple Plan, a band with a huge following in Asia at the time. Our focus in this video was child slave labour and the idea was centred around freedom coming from knowledge.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via MTV EXIT/CRC

In 2016, Qantas Airways launched a brand new route to San Francisco - the tech capital of the world. Our main audience for this news was the tech business traveller, who shared a passion for ideas and innovation. So, we knew the idea needed to be more than just an announcement to get attention. The creative brief was answered by reinventing the entire flight experience with a live in-flight TED talks series. Some inspirational speakers were put together and it took off. The campaign was picked up by many different news sources in Australia and around the world.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic

While thousands of foodies struggle to get a table at their favourite restaurant, 795 million people worldwide, struggle to simply eat. This is something the Hunger Project is on a mission to solve. To help raise awareness of The Hunger Project, we partnered with top restaurants in Australia, Asia and Europe. And got them to set aside their most sought after tables. Together with Ebay, we auctioned them off with proceeds directly supporting the Hunger Project’s important work. The PR generated by this campaign lifted brand awareness to the highest level ever.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via THP/McCann

In 2015, Coca-Cola relaunched it's iconic Sprite brand in Australia with an entirely new campaign direction. A platform was built around the idea of Sprite being an antidote to awkward moments. ‘Cut through the Heat’ became a campaign large enough to extend into film, social, out of home and events. We created a series of executions and our audience soon responded with their own 'Cut through the Heat' examples as well. The film component of the campaign ran in social and this was the lead execution. It featured a blind date which couldn't get any more awkward.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via Coca-Cola/McCann

This short film is part of a content series for Uncle Toby’s Oats, built around the idea of ‘Energy Feeds Your Passion’. It features ten-year-old DJ and composer ‘Black Summer’. We discover his raw talent for electronic dance music. He shares how much of a role it plays in his life and demonstrates a pure dedication to the craft. Black Summer brings us inside his music studio and we learn more about his musical style and how he loves to dance. We see Black Summer perform live at a local nightclub and meet some of his school friends.
Creative Direction by Dejan Rasic via Nestle/McCann

In 2017, Pretty Shady sponsored the MTV Beats and Eats concert to raise awareness of skin cancer among young people. The brief was to create a film and activation idea that would appeal to our audience and educate them on the issue. A series of TVCs and social films highlighted the dangers of sun damage and the simple steps our audience could take to prevent it happening. It was executed through animation and ambassadors were brought on-board to help push the message out further. The campaign also included an on-ground shaded zone at the concert.
Creative Direction by Vanessa Zuppicich